Did you know that you are not responsible for any other adult. You're not responsible for their happiness their sadness, or their salvation. That's right if you are a Christian and you're struggling with the guilt that your narcissistic abusers will not make it into heaven because you didn't lead them to Christ, don't beat yourself up. I know a lot of churches breed that kind of guilt, but their agenda may not be so pure either, more members means more dollars. God, our Heavenly Father, will not hold you accountable for family not getting saved. It's all up to the individual you can't change the heart of another person. You can pray for them but you, yourself can do nothing. Salvation begins in the heart of the individual a repentant heart, but they have hardened their heart to such things they don't repent for what they did to you or your pain. They feel entitlement, you can't have entitlement and repentance in the same heart. Everyone will be responsible for our own sins and not the sins of others. A person abused as a child, that does not entitle him to abuse his own children and does not excuse him. I find that even more disgusting he (or she) knows what pain he felt being abused, so he inflicts that pain onto someone else. That makes them even more sick than their abusers!! Now in reverse should you feel sorry for someone who abuses you? I know society thinks you should feel sorry for the monster that rapes, beats and emotionally abuses his own child because it was done to him as a child. This society has a victim mentality everyone us a victim that's why they did the things they've done. I'm sorry there is absolutely no excuse for intentionally harming another person, child or animal. The only exception is in self defense of course. That's always the question when someone has been charged with a horrific crime, how did they grow up, their parents did they abuse them? Does it really justify abusing others because you've been abused? You would think they would be more sensitive about harming others this is where the hardening of the heart cones in. No repentance no salvation. Jesus came to save the sinner a person who repents, not the person who feels they've done no wrong and entitled to abuse.

Sunday, December 14, 2014
We have been conditioned to feel guilt by your narcissistic abuser. It's funny how we worry about the feelings of our Narc abusers but they have absolutely no regard for our feelings. This might be one of the hardest things I've had to accept is the fact that THEY DON'T CARE FOR YOU, your feelings or anything about you. It's the same concept as a cat and a mouse. We are just entertainment a toy, a plaything. The cat will allow the mouse to live for days. He will allow the mouse to escape only to hunt down, chase and capture him again. Why should we feel SO guilty for going no contact with this type of creature? The narcissist isn't really hurt, they're like a overly spoiled four year old throwing themselves having a temper tantrum. On the floor kicking and screaming because someone else has their toy. You see this display and think that it's care and have compassion and feel guilty for causing them such pain. Don't blame yourself we all need to take care of our own soul.
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